Willkommen an Bord

„I believe it is in our nature to explore,
to reach out into the unknown.“

Sir Ernest Shackleton

Sailing SOUTH 2024 – Eine Segelexpedition auf den Spuren Shackletons im Südpolarmeer

Dies ist die Geschichte von Sailing SOUTH 2024. Die Geschichte eines individuellen Traumes, aus dem in den vergangenen knapp zwei Jahren durch Energie, Enthusiasmus, Mut, Beharrlichkeit, Geduld und Durchhaltevermögen und dank der Bereitschaft und Begeisterung einiger neugieriger, wagemutiger Mitstreiter ein tolles Team und ein gemeinsames Abenteuer entstanden sind.

Anfang Februar 2024 ist es nun endlich soweit: Unsere Segelexpedition von Ushuaia (Patagonien) in die Antarktis und auf den Spuren Sir Ernest Shackletons über Elephant Island, nach Südgeorgien und zu den Falklandinseln (Islas Malvinas) kann starten. Wir sind gespannt auf dieses Abenteuer, freuen uns aufs Segeln im Südpolarmeer, auf Eis, Kälte und Sturm, auf das Entdecken einer anderen Welt, auf lange Tage und Wochen in überwältigender Natur, unermesslicher Weite und totaler Abgeschiedenheit.

Nicht zuletzt dieser Abgeschiedenheit und Einsamkeit, dem Ganz-auf-sich-gestellt-sein – wenn auch heute in keinster Weise derer Shackletons und seiner Männer vor 110 Jahren vergleichbar – wollen wir nachspüren. Zu 100% im Hier und Jetzt sein. Deshalb wird es auch keinen täglichen Blog geben, werden wir nicht permanent auf Sendung sein. Aber wir werden versuchen, all jene, die neugierig sind, ab und an an unserer Reise, unseren Gedanken, unseren Erlebnissen teilhaben zu lassen.

Wer mag, kann in unserem Logbuch vorbeischauen, uns auf Instagram und Facebook folgen oder unsere Route mit der Selma verfolgen. Fair Winds!


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Wo wir sind


Latest News

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Über Sailing SOUTH 2024


Sailing SOUTH 2024 | Die Idee und wie alles begann

zum 150. geburtstag – auf den spuren shackletons im südpolarmeer

Frei nach dem „Boss“ :
Mitsegler gesucht für abenteuerliche Reise. Leider kostspielig.
Kälte und Sturm, lange Tage in überwältigender Natur,
unermesslicher Weite und Abgeschiedenheit. Rückkehr gewiss.
Einmalige und unbezahlbare Erlebnisse in jedem Fall.

Wieso genau dieser Törn?
Das hier ist nicht irgendein Törn – das ist mein Traum-Törn.
Zugegeben ist es nicht der einzige von dem ich träume, aber es ist einer, den ich schon immer machen wollte, einer der mich nicht loslässt und stets in meinen Träumen heimsucht.
Einer, von dem ich nicht nur geträumt haben möchte, sollte ich irgendwann mal die wahrscheinlich letzte Reise antreten müssen…

Unsere Route

Unsere geplante Route führt von Feuerland (Ushuaia) in die Antarktis, über die Südlichen Shetland Inseln nach Südgeorgien und von dort zu den Falklandinseln.
Wir wollen die berühmt-berüchtigte Drake Passage queren und auf dem stürmischsten aller Ozeane durch die furious 50s und screaming 60s segeln. Wir werden die grandiose Eis- und Gletscherwelt der Antarktischen Halbinsel erkunden, die Vulkaninseln der Südlichen Shetland Inseln anlaufen und auf den Spuren Shackletons von Elephant Island nach Südgeorgien segeln. Wir wollen dort ihren Spuren und denen der alten Walfangstationen nachspüren, sowie die einzigartige Artenvielfalt dieser subantarktischen Insel entdecken.
Um schließlich unser Abenteuer – gut 3.000 Seemeilen im Kielwasser, reich an Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen – auf den Falklands zu beenden.



Unser Schiff

Unser Schiff ist die polnische Yacht “Selma” Expeditions.

Sie ist das perfekte Boot für unser Vorhaben:

Robust, ausgerüstet für die sichere und unabhängige Navigation auf Langstreckentörns in hohen Breiten und entlegenen Gebieten.
Arktis- und antarktiserprobt. Unzählige Seemeilen im Kielwasser.



Unser TEAM

Das Sailing SOUTH 2024 Team.
Unser Skipper und unsere Crew.

Elf Menschen aus fünf Nationen.

Wer wir sind. Was uns bewegt. Warum wir dabei sind.


Neuigkeiten von Unterwegs und aus dem Südpolarmeer

  • Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
  • What a beautiful night with #auroraborealis , the #northernlights here in the south of the #blackforest #todtnauberg #liebenswertestodtnauberg #schwarzwald
  • Anniversary: 24th of April 1916
Six brave men departed Elephant Island heading South Georgia in the small reinforced wooden lifeboat James Caird: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Frank Worsley, Tom Crean, Henry Mc Nish, John Vincent and Tim Mc Carthy. 
22 men, under the leadership of Frank Wild, remained on the island, hoping for their rescue.
After 15 days crossing the stormy Southern Ocean, Shackleton reached South Georgia and after crossing the glaciated mountain range of the island finally arrived at the whaling station in Stromness. 
After four months, end of August, Shackleton finally managed to rescue all the remaining expedition members. 
What an incredible story! Still fascinating.
We have been there - at Point Wild. Elephant Island - some weeks ago with our Sailing SOUTH expedition.
More about Shackletons story and our expedition you find on our expedition’s website. Link: have a look in Bio. 
#shackleton #ernestshackleton #frankwild #tomcrean #endurance #enduranceexpedition #jamescaird  #polarhistory #polarexplorers #explorers #polarexploration #antarctica #elephantisland #southgeorgia #sailingsouth #sailingexpedition #antarcticaexpedition #selmaexpeditions #entdecker #antarktis #polargeschichte #südgeorgien
  • Our Sailing SOUTH 2024 expedition is finished. The last Logbook posts about our stay at the Falkland Islands / Islas Malvinas are online now!  Look at the Link in Bio - logbook. There is an English and a German version. Explore with us the wonderful island, it’s rough and wide landscapes, beautiful coastline, wonderful beaches and incredible wildlife.  https://sailing-south-2024.com/en/logbook/  #sailingsouth #sailingantarctica #sailingexpedition #selmaexpeditions #falklandsislands #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #wildlifeofinstagram #wildlifephotography #landscapes #landscapephotography #penguins #kingpenguins #highlatitudesailing  #neverstopexploring #wonderfulnature #segelnmachtglücklich #falklandinseln #stanley #portstanley #pinguine #tierfotographie #landschaftsfotografie #königspinguin #volunteerpoint #beautifuldestinations #bestview #beautifulplaces
  • After more than one week it’s time to leave the #Falklands #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 What an amazing place !!!! Wide and empty landscape, incredible friendly people, amazing wildlife, perfect beaches… we had a really great time, wonderful hikes and rides and nice adventures, spending this additional week after #sailingantarctica together. Good time to arrive on land again. And definitely worth to come back and visit and explore this beautiful islands more!  #penguins #falklandislands #stanley #stanleyfalklandislands #rockhopperpenguin #kingpenguins #sailingsouth
  • #kingpenguins at the #falklandislands. An amazing encounter. #penguin #penguins #penguinlove
  • Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
  • What a perfect last sailing day !!! After again one day without wind we raced to the Falklands / Malvinas the last 100 miles with the support of almost 40 knots of wind 😍 was a great ride and lots of fun.  #sailing #sailingtheocean #sailingexpedition #highlatitudesailing #southernocean #ocean #oceanlove #sailingadventure #spiritofsailing #saulingsouth #selmaexpeditions #segeln #segelnmachtglücklich #stanley #portstanley #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 #falklands #falklandsislands #malvinas
  • What a perfect last sailing day !!! After again one day without wind we raced to the Falklands / Malvinas the last 100 miles with the support of almost 40 knots of wind 😍 was a great ride and lots of fun.  #sailing #sailingtheocean #sailingexpedition #highlatitudesailing #southernocean #ocean #oceanlove #sailingadventure #spiritofsailing #saulingsouth #selmaexpeditions #segeln #segelnmachtglücklich
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
Thanks to #selmaexpeditions and the wonderful people of my Sailing SOUTH 2024 crew we had a beautiful meeting and some perfect days together in Poland. Spent the time together, sharing memories and future ideas about next sailing projects. Exploring nature, watching birds, collecting mushrooms …. Still loving the adventure, the people, the amazing and unique spirit 😍 thanks
2 Wochen ago
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What a beautiful night with #auroraborealis , the #northernlights here in the south of the #blackforest #todtnauberg #liebenswertestodtnauberg #schwarzwald
5 Monaten ago
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Anniversary: 24th of April 1916 Six brave men departed Elephant Island heading South Georgia in the small reinforced wooden lifeboat James Caird: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Frank Worsley, Tom Crean, Henry Mc Nish, John Vincent and Tim Mc Carthy. 22 men, under the leadership of Frank Wild, remained on the island, hoping for their rescue. After 15 days crossing the stormy Southern Ocean, Shackleton reached South Georgia and after crossing the glaciated mountain range of the island finally arrived at the whaling station in Stromness. After four months, end of August, Shackleton finally managed to rescue all the remaining expedition members. What an incredible story! Still fascinating. We have been there – at Point Wild. Elephant Island – some weeks ago with our Sailing SOUTH expedition. More about Shackletons story and our expedition you find on our expedition’s website. Link: have a look in Bio. #shackleton #ernestshackleton #frankwild #tomcrean #endurance #enduranceexpedition #jamescaird #polarhistory #polarexplorers #explorers #polarexploration #antarctica #elephantisland #southgeorgia #sailingsouth #sailingexpedition #antarcticaexpedition #selmaexpeditions #entdecker #antarktis #polargeschichte #südgeorgien
6 Monaten ago
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Our Sailing SOUTH 2024 expedition is finished. The last Logbook posts about our stay at the Falkland Islands / Islas Malvinas are online now! Look at the Link in Bio – logbook. There is an English and a German version. Explore with us the wonderful island, it’s rough and wide landscapes, beautiful coastline, wonderful beaches and incredible wildlife. https://sailing-south-2024.com/en/logbook/ #sailingsouth #sailingantarctica #sailingexpedition #selmaexpeditions #falklandsislands #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 #naturephotography #nature #wildlife #wildlifeofinstagram #wildlifephotography #landscapes #landscapephotography #penguins #kingpenguins #highlatitudesailing #neverstopexploring #wonderfulnature #segelnmachtglücklich #falklandinseln #stanley #portstanley #pinguine #tierfotographie #landschaftsfotografie #königspinguin #volunteerpoint #beautifuldestinations #bestview #beautifulplaces
6 Monaten ago
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After more than one week it’s time to leave the #Falklands #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 What an amazing place !!!! Wide and empty landscape, incredible friendly people, amazing wildlife, perfect beaches… we had a really great time, wonderful hikes and rides and nice adventures, spending this additional week after #sailingantarctica together. Good time to arrive on land again. And definitely worth to come back and visit and explore this beautiful islands more! #penguins #falklandislands #stanley #stanleyfalklandislands #rockhopperpenguin #kingpenguins #sailingsouth
7 Monaten ago
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#kingpenguins at the #falklandislands. An amazing encounter. #penguin #penguins #penguinlove
7 Monaten ago
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Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
Last week it was finally Time to say goodbye after seven weeks, an amazing adventure together with a perfect team and a fantastic spirit. It’s always difficult to leave. Especially after such a wonderful journey. Every single moment was very special and intense. Will miss that … difficult to find the right words …. Thanks to all of you! Thanks Selma! Always fair winds! Hasta luego ❤️. #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingexpedition #sailingsouth #highlatitudesailing #thankyou #selmaexpeditions #antarctica
7 Monaten ago
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What a perfect last sailing day !!! After again one day without wind we raced to the Falklands / Malvinas the last 100 miles with the support of almost 40 knots of wind 😍 was a great ride and lots of fun. #sailing #sailingtheocean #sailingexpedition #highlatitudesailing #southernocean #ocean #oceanlove #sailingadventure #spiritofsailing #saulingsouth #selmaexpeditions #segeln #segelnmachtglücklich #stanley #portstanley #islasmalvinas🇦🇷 #falklands #falklandsislands #malvinas
7 Monaten ago
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What a perfect last sailing day !!! After again one day without wind we raced to the Falklands / Malvinas the last 100 miles with the support of almost 40 knots of wind 😍 was a great ride and lots of fun. #sailing #sailingtheocean #sailingexpedition #highlatitudesailing #southernocean #ocean #oceanlove #sailingadventure #spiritofsailing #saulingsouth #selmaexpeditions #segeln #segelnmachtglücklich
7 Monaten ago
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